HaLLo eVerYoNe!!! ErRrR...iM nOt veRy gOOd aT tHis sTuFF...bUt tHiS timE i'MMa reALly tRy haRd to UpDaTe it!!!! ComE baCk!! I'm SOrrY iF iT suX..SniFFSniFF...oKeE iMMa StArT woRkiNG oN it NoW!!
NaMe: Eunice <3<3
Who do you love??: hehe my friends, MiNNa and SunG and evErYone ElSe ( its 12 am...i cant think rite now) and my love~dennis
Where you FrOm?: HoustON *gay* TeXas...
When's Ur BiRtHDay?: February 27th...gimmegimme
Hello Hello.....yay...yall are still HeRe
HellOs To:: Minna:* hehe my sidekick~how are you?? sigh...so many years...so many gay notes...so much peanut butter, tears, good times, orchestra days, gayness, SiGh..i told you we had a good life jkjk luv ya lots*** Sung:*hehe..so are those freakin munkies? i bet they're fine...a million thank yous with dennis...hm...neither jonathan or dennis have gotten online...what do we then?? man..we have no lives... DeNNis:<3<3 hey!!!! i always luv you so much youre soOo perfect!! hehe i kno that we arent perfect for each other but no one really is rite? jus gotta grow on each other...hehe chingching! :X JuLie:* hey my bitch~hehe JK!!! thank you for so much and trust me i will call you up when i need you..whoops..if i type this everyone can see it rite? er...i cant think up of something funny to say...my stomach hurts and my contacts are dry.. p>
hm...probably take image shots JK...i kno ur making fun of me RiTE now minna...sorry i wont be RASH...hehe jkjk...i like my friends...i like my boyfriend...i like eating...i like ice cream even when its below zero outside...=)